KUKA Systems N.A., along with our Foundation Partners, proudly present
6th Annual KUKACARES Foundation Golf Outing
Monday, August 31st 2020 at Indianwood Golf & Country Club.
- Registration & Lunch: 11:00 a.m
- Cart presentation: 12:15 p.m.
- Shotgun Start: 12:30 p.m.
- Raffle Prize Drawing: 5:30 p.m.
This years’ outing is a great opportunity for our Supplier Community and KUKA’s Leadership Team to come together to play a great course and keep the KUKACARES Foundation momentum strong!
2020 Sponsorships
Knowing this will be a tough year financially, we will only be offering
Team sponsorships @ $600 per foursome.
Included in this years Team Sponsorship will be:
- One Foursome on course
- Participant golf shirt
- Large signage at tee box
- Lunch on the course
- Snacks/drinks provided at halfway houses
- Carts
** Please complete golfers name and shirt sizes when purchasing a sponsorship.